Financial advice

…To give solidity to your company

Not all good ideas have authors capable of telling them.
Our team will be at your side in transforming your intuition into a concrete and readable project for both credit institutions and private investors...

There are two large families of investments: the one in which you can afford to start in total autonomy without the need for a partner or credit and the one in which you need to identify other people or credit institutions who invest with you and decide to give you trust and entrust you with the necessary resources.

For the first family of investments, the entrepreneur's autonomy can allow him, based on his propensity for risk, to immediately implement his idea without many formalities.

The lack of a preventive analysis of the market sector, the competition and many other variables could lead to failure within a few months; however, no one will be able to stop him from leaving.

Those who do not have the necessary liquidity in their pockets must necessarily address the problem of making their idea legible to possible partners or financiers.

He must take the time to tell it and structure it in every detail, also demonstrating that he has suitable skills and know-how or that he knows who to trust.

The Broker & Consulting he believes deeply in skills and a scientific approach to investments. This method allows those who already start from solid foundations not to waste what they have laboriously accumulated and, those who could not afford it on paper, to find the necessary resources to give substance to their ideas.

This is where our team of consultants comes in and will accompany you in:

  • Transformation of the idea into an investment plan;
  • Professional business plan drafting;
  • Support in identifying the most suitable credit institution;
  • Support in the start-up phase of the company;
  • Support in the start-up phase of the company;

Everything will happen through a tutor who will analyze your case and every aspect related to your business, tailoring for you, with the delicacy of a tailored suit, the solution best suited to your needs.