Who are we

The Broker Project & Consulting is a real estate management and marketing company born in 2022 from the experience of a network of professionals in the sector? The management and operational office is located in the northern area of ​​Naples, precisely in Casoria.

Real estate search

We are at your side to identify the properties suitable for your needs.

There are many variables to take into consideration before making an investment and depend on objective and subjective factors. Not only the budget available but also the risk appetite and the management of the investment timetable...

Real estate management

We are at your side to manage your real estate assets…

Our staff specializes in the management of residential, commercial, and hospitality properties and neighborhood facilities. 

Siamo in grado di offrire il miglior servizio integrato presente sul mercato attraverso il supporto di esperti professionisti in ambito legale, immobiliare e finanziario…


Financial advice

…To give solidity to your company

Not all good ideas have authors capable of telling them.

Our team will be at your side in transforming your intuition into a concrete and readable project for both credit institutions and private investors...


Marketing & Advertising

Communication in our society is an essential element. The best project, if not told, risks not existing and finding a wall in front of the road to success. We will help you tell your idea in the right way and fuel a correct narrative day by day...

Auctions and Notices

Some of the best investment opportunities come from the judicial auction sector or from divestments through public tenders of public real estate assets. Many people do not participate in these opportunities due to a sense of impossibility linked to preconceptions and false myths...

Public administration

The real estate assets of many public bodies are enormous. These dimensions are not supported by an administrative machine and by an adequate workforce in terms of numbers and training to be able to make the most of it from a social and good management point of view. The Broker is able to offer technical assistance and directly manage important portfolios...

Location & Set

Settling for medium-term periods in the area requires the need to have a functional and immediately operational operational base. The Broker project offers you the possibility of immediately operational offices with workstations, meeting rooms, and space for storing valuable equipment. Furthermore, you can take advantage of charging stations for electric vehicles...

Business plan for
Broker Project & Consulting